Building towards growth in Cornwall


Cornwall’s construction industry is set to receive a boost from the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Programme with a £3.34 million investment in skills and training.

The project involves Cornwall Council, the Cornwall College Group and Truro and Penwith College. It includes investment in new facilities to provide more education and training in the construction industry on college sites in St Austell, Camborne, and Truro.

Funding for the project has come from the Good Growth Programme which is managed by Cornwall Council and funded by the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, which aims to help level up communities across the UK.

It will work with people of all ages to create opportunities in the construction sector and focus on the growing demand for green construction skills as part of the drive to net zero.

Cllr Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for economy, said: “This Good Growth investment will increase opportunities for people across Cornwall in an important part of our economy, raising skills and boosting wages. By investing in new facilities our colleges can expand what they offer and equip local people with the skills that the growing industry needs.”

The construction industry is worth £900 million a year to Cornwall’s economy and employs around 15,000 people in 3,800 enterprises, which is around 6.1% of employment and 15% of businesses in Cornwall.