Headforwards in the right direction


In only 2 years the software outsourcing company Headforwards, based at Pool Innovation Centre has grown to 30 employees making it one of the fastest growing startups in the Southwest.

The Headforwards Team

Toby Parkins said: “Our targets set us to grow by a further 200% in the next 2 years although I would be equally satisfied to double in size in that time. We have to be realistic with regard to exactly how quickly growth can occur. We’ve been lucky due to lots of skilled people wanting to either remain living in Cornwall, or wishing to return or relocate to the area, and we certainly hope this will continue”.

Part of the company’s long term strategy is to redefine the UK market place for software development through a combination approach of improvement in education, training and skills as well as enabling an improved professional IT community in Cornwall.

“I have a long term strategy to drive forward more quality office space in Cornwall, to increase actually useful skills and training and to carry out activities that make the rest of the world want to talk about us. I’d like to see every single school child being given the opportunity to learn a computer language. This single objective would dramatically change the economic outlook of the Duchy and the career prospects for many young people within 6 years.”

For further information please contact:

Toby Parkins – toby.parkins@headfowards.com – 07977 933664