A master class from Nathan Outlaw


Cornwall College Business (CCB) and two Michelin starred Nathan Outlaw have joined forces to design a seafood master class for local chefs.

The master class will give local chefs the opportunity to work alongside a team of leading professionals, where they can find out about the latest industry developments to take back to their business.

Nathan Outlaw
Nathan Outlaw

The master class is scheduled to run for four days in Camborne at the end of February and is aimed at local chefs who need to refresh and develop their skills.

Outlaw will be heading up the master class for one of the days, then over the remaining three days delegates will be working with other leading chefs to cook and prepare some of the finest fish and shellfish in the country, which are Outlaw’s well-known signature ingredients.

Stuart Mathieson, head of hospitality at Cornwall College Camborne, said: “Yet again we were delighted to be working with Nathan, this time to provide local businesses with cutting edge skills that they can take back to the work place.”

The master class covers four units from the Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery qualification. This includes preparing and cooking shellfish for complex dishes and preparing and cooking fish dishes. Those who complete the master class can at a later date go onto complete the full qualification in Professional Cookery if they wish.

The cost of the master class is only £60 and it is part funded through the ESF Convergence Skills Support for the Workforce Project delivered by Cornwall College Business.

For more information or to book a place, please contact Cornwall College Business on 0800 731 7594, enquiries@ccb.cornwall.ac.uk