CPD Methods for Evidence and Evaluation


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Institute of Cornish Studies – CPD Methods for Evidence and Evaluation 2024

Taught by Prof. Malcolm Williams with special Guest Lecturer Dr. Charlotte Brookfield from Cardiff University. The Social and Economic Research Unit (SERU), at the Institute of Cornish Studies, The University of Exeter, are very pleased to announce a programme of Continuous Professional Development in Evidence and Evaluation.

No previous knowledge of research is required and alongside the sessions themselves. SERU colleagues will be pleased to advise on possible research organisations might wish to pursue as a result of the course.

The course consists of four day-long sessions (with lunch) spread across May, June and July.

In these sessions you will learn:

The main methods of social research surveys, interviews and focus groups. How each method is applicable and how they can benefit your organisation and how they influence policy and decision making.

The strategies and techniques needed to conduct focus groups and individual interviews; their possibilities, benefits and limitations through an active learning approach.

How to design a high quality simple survey that will investigate behaviour, attitudes and beliefs, producing evidence with confidence.

Analysing data with Excel, you will learn how to input your data into a spreadsheet learning straightforward techniques of data analysation.

Here are some of the testimonials from our taster day:

“Thoroughly enjoyed the course and it was very relevant to my work”

“The analysis and techniques for collecting data, tying it into social and economic priorities chimed very strongly with our own organisational needs, and my role in the organisation.”

“I thought it was excellent, very high quality. I think there are many organisations and many employment roles that would benefit from this training and pay for their staff to have it.”

“Insightful, knowledgeable, educational, inspiring, quality learning experience”

Book your place here

We are able to offer up to 10 fully funded places to eligible businesses/organisation on this course, for more information contact: [email protected]

@iCornishStudies @hasscornwall @uniexecornwall