Cornish secondary school students have an out-of-this-world opportunity to immerse themselves in the space sector and future skills at a new Space Camp for Cornwall.
Created and funded by Truro and Penwith College’s Cornwall Space and Aerospace Technology Training project (CSATT), Space Camp Cornwall will be free to year 9 and 10 students this summer.
The week-long (July 25-29), non-residential camp will fully immerse students in the space sector, allowing them to take part in a unique rocket building challenge, spend a day at Spaceport Cornwall, where the UK’s first rocket will be launched into space, and tour Goonhilly Earth Station’s famous satellite dishes that were recently used to communicate with the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft.
Space Camp cadets will also attend talks from world-leading space experts with topics including: The UK’s First Astronaut Training Centre, Removing Space Junk from Orbit, Safety of UK Rocket Launches and Using Satellite Data to Protect the Environment.
The week will culminate in a graduation ceremony for family and friends to celebrate the cadet’s achievements and to find out more about career opportunities in the space sector in Cornwall.
Heidi Thiemann, space project manager at CSATT, said: “We’re over the moon to be able to offer this exciting new summer camp for pupils in Cornwall. Getting hands-on with the space sector is the best way to find out about the amazing range of opportunities that it can offer young people and we want to give them the best chance of working in a career that they love.”
Students who are interested in joining Space Camp Cornwall are invited to apply for a place at Applicants will be notified of their places at the start of April.