Newham road scheme put on hold


Businesses on the Newham Industrial Estate in Truro have welcomed a decision by Cornwall Council to halt a controversial scheme which involved narrowing the only road into the busy industrial estate to provide for a new cycleway and footpath.

The Newham Business Improvement District (BID), which promotes and supports Newham as a business location, had instructed solicitors to seek permission from the High Court to judicially review the Council’s decision to go ahead with the scheme, and also threatened an injunction.

Businesses were concerned that narrowing the road would force heavy goods vehicles onto the new pavement and endanger the lives of cyclists and pedestrians, while also impacting on access to and from the estate, which is home to 180 businesses employing 1,200 people.

But following discussions between the Council and the BID, the Council issued an operational decision to its contractors CORMAC to halt the project. Both parties have agreed to work together to try and reach a resolution without going to court.

BID chair Leigh Ibbotson said: “We’re glad that the Council has seen sense to halt this scheme while a more sensible solution is sought. It’s a pity that we had to resort to legal action to make our case but we are committed to working with the Council on a resolution.”