Two businesses with leading reputations in the shipbuilding and ship repair industries are being brought together under the umbrella of a single company.
APCL Group LTD has been established to operate as an umbrella organisation for A&P Group and Cammell Laird. Ship repair and project management specialist A&P Australia and UK-based Neway Industrial Services will also be brought under the APCL banner.
Each company will retain its own unique identity, but by bringing the four businesses together under one banner, APCL will stand before the market as a much larger company.
The move will enable APCL Group to develop an ‘all of one’ company approach to certain major contracts and will further the group’s ambition of becoming a ‘Tier One’ businesses. With locations in the north east, Falmouth, north west and Australia, APCL says it will become a true global entity and reinforce its standing on the international stage.
Ownership of each company has not changed, and the shareholder will remain the same.
David McGinley, CEO of APCL Group LTD, said: “Each individual company will retain its proud heritage, identity and history, but being part of APCL Group will enable them all to work more closely together and develop synergies for the benefit of both the company and the customer.
“In today’s global marketplace, being able to speak with one voice, across a number of markets, collaborate and share knowledge and expertise across our global operations means we can better serve our valued customers and stakeholders.”