Coastline scheme building futures


Local landlord Coastline Housing has launched a new round of work placements under its Coastline Construct scheme.

Working with partners including Mi-Space, which is building 140 new homes for Coastline at Quintrell Downs near Newquay, the placements take place under Covid-secure conditions.

Participants benefit from five days of live site experience in a range of trades and support to seek onward work or training.

Justin Ricks, community navigator at Coastline Housing, said: “We are committed to ensuring people have continued access to training opportunities during the pandemic. The Coastline Construct scheme has run for several years, and we knew it was even more important at a time when people could well need improved skills in their search for work.

“We are very pleased to have been able to collaborate with partners to offer these opportunities safely during these challenging times.”

The first participant to complete his placement this year was Jordan Mitchell, who was so keen to be a part of the scheme that he undertook a 60-mile round journey to the site each day.

Upon completion of the work experience placement, he went on to secure employment with Mi-space and has since also been awarded the Rebuild South West Jon Boy Award – awarded to individuals that have pushed themselves that little bit further and showed a real commitment to success.

Coastline Housing will be offering further placements across this year and into 2021. To find out more about Coastline Construct email [email protected].