Business name: O’Meally Accounting Services
Office location: Wadebridge
When was the business founded: January 2024
How many employees: 1
Business Cornwall: How is the business best described?
As a qualified and experienced accountant, I set out on a journey to help SMEs that are intimidated by the sound of an accounting firm and their prices. With over eight years of experience working in accounting firms and then as a finance manager in an industry, I can offer all different insights into your business.
Business Cornwall: Why was the business founded?
Because I was hearing from a lot of people that would approach me that the accounting firms they’re dealing with do not pay attention to their business as much as they would like to. They were looking for someone that will be more hands on and involved.
Business Cornwall: How does the business compare to competitors in the industry?
I do not intend to become a large practice and with that I am able to focus on my clients business entirely, monitor their spendings and see potential savings instead of just completing their bookkeeping and implement smart tax planning throughout the financial year as opposed to pointing out what could be done after the fact. I use a lot of smart technology to help me analyse the financial data more effectively and I find it that this also helps the person to understand their business better.
Business Cornwall: What are the business’s plans both short-term and long-term?
Short-term goal – gain clients that are interested in learning about their business and expanding the potential.
Long-term – establish a fantastic relationship with the existing clients and know their business in and out! Attend lots and lots of training courses!
Business Cornwall: How does the business define success?
I define success as such: people that trusted me to look after their business are not regretting their choice.