Featured: Mental health charity



Pentreath is a Cornish Mental Health Charity that was established over 30 years ago.

We pride ourselves on working with people on a 1;1 basis to help them achieve their personal goals, alongside mental and emotional wellbeing support, this often involves inclusion within the community, education, voluntary work and employment. Our advisors are skilled and knowledgeable as well as being friendly, supportive and inclusive to all.

Our Recovery College delivers courses across the whole of Cornwall and is open to both unemployed and employed learners. We offer courses to people who are experiencing mental ill health. These courses may help you to identify and manage your mental health challenges allowing you to live the life you want.

Further information can be found at www.pentreath.co.uk or www.recoverycollegecornwall.org.uk Please also follow us on our social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.