Do you run your own business?


Do you run your own business? Do you employ 5-50 people? The European Centre for the Environment and Human Health needs your help and can help you.

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Spring is a new, free website developed by the University of Exeter Medical School, in Truro.

It’s finding out the best way to work with businesses and, as part of that, it will link you to like-minded Cornish companies and help your performance with easy-to-use, tailored and time-saving advice on.

  • Employing and managing people
  • Boosting output and reducing absenteeism with a healthier workforce
  • Health & safety
  • Green business, and helping your company be a part of where it’s based.

In return for access to this for three months, the European Centre will ask for feedback, so it can learn about what businesses want. This means taking five minutes to complete a questionnaire in July and October, and using the site – on any kind of device – as often as you like while it’s open.

Spring is run by the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health (ECEHH), part of the University of Exeter Medical School.

To help your business and take part in this venture, click here


None of the questions are on sensitive topics, and your participation is voluntary. All the data is made anonymous and we only use it for the study and to develop resources for businesses.


  1. I’m working on this project and so have seen what’s on the website : my message is yes – get involved and get some know-how on easy things to do that can make a big difference to your business. If you just want to see what we’re doing or are interested in giving your views, we’d also like you to give it a go! You can also ask me anything about it here in this blog. Enjoy.

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