Enter the CSAs now!



What’s CSA?

The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Sustainability Awards (CSA), now in its 20th year, aims to encourage, reward and gain recognition for the excellent work organisations are doing to improve their own sustainability and that of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly as a whole.

Who’s it for?

The awards are open to businesses, organisations, community groups, schools, social enterprises and charities.

You can either apply yourself or nominate another organisation for an award up until the closing date for entries, as long as the organisation is based in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Why should I apply?

  • Free to enter
  • Online entry process is simple and quick
  • Shortlisted entrants get their name in lights at the awards ceremony on the 9th December and on the CSA website
  • Free submissions workshop facilitated by our technical specialist Green Works to help you with your entry
  • Opportunity to network with over 250 people from all sorts of different sectors at the award ceremony
  • Winning an award improves your marketability and can lead to more business.
  • Many of our winners and runners up go on to win regional, national and international awards

This year’s categories:

  • Most Sustainable Organisation
  • Growing Greener: Sustainable Food & Farming
  • Circular Economy
  • Environmental Growth
  • Carbon Neutral

You can only apply/nominate someone for one category only.

The overall winner is chosen from the winners of all the categories.

How do I enter?

Via the website at www.cornwallsustainabilityawards.org

How do I get in touch?

[email protected]

Twitter: @CwallSusAwards

Facebook: @CornwallSustainabilityAwards

What are the key dates?

Tuesday 27th September 10.30-12pm – Free Submissions Workshop after Eden Big Breakfast.

Tuesday 11th October 10.30-12 – Free Submissions Workshop, Tregarthen’s Hotel, St Mary’s, IoS:

31st October – closing date for entries.

9th December – awards ceremony at Truro Cathedral.

Would you like to be a sponsor?

There are still sponsor slots available. Please email to enquire.