Weird Fish’s story begins in 1993. After an inspiring walk along a coast path in Cornwall, Weird Fish was born with a simple mission: to produce well-priced, well-made and distinctive clothes that become instant feel-good favourites. Since their inception, they have come a long way from their humble roots, but have kept true to their heritage with fun, comfortable and quality clothing.
They pride themselves on the provenance and quality of their clothing and work closely with their trusted suppliers to ensure the factories adhere to their trading rules, such as no child labour and excellent working conditions. Plus, they love using sustainable fabrics such as Organic Cotton and Recycled Polyester. You’ll find them throughout the range and in their bestsellers, such as the Starshine dress and Newark fleece.
Weird Fish and their customers live for that Friday feeling. Whether they’re unwinding by the coast, walking the dog, or just catching up with friends at the local, the weekend gives you the time to unwind and be yourself. They believe everyday should be full of the freedom and fun that the weekend gives us.
They’ve designed a new range, Unplug and Unwind, with you in mind, so wherever this season takes you, do it style with Weird Fish. This collection is full of autumnal charm, with plenty of berry tones, pretty prints, cosy knits and more. From warming knitwear to gorgeous dresses and everyday outerwear, you’re bound to fall in love with this new collection.