Hot rocks potential highlighted


EGS Energy’s vision for the future of engineered geothermal systems (EGS) has been incorporated in a recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

‘Technology Roadmap: Geothermal heat and power’ was launched last week and shows that there is potential to achieve at least a tenfold increase in the global production of heat and electricity from geothermal energy between now and 2050.

The IEA report says that ‘hot rocks’ energy could account for around 3.5% of annual global electricity production and 3.9% of energy for heat (excluding ground source heat pumps which the report did not consider) by 2050 – a substantial increase from current levels of 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively.

EGS’ technical director, Roy Baria, commented: “Having worked with the team putting this report together, I am pleased that a prominent role has been given to the potential for engineered geothermal systems within the development of the geothermal sector.”