Holiday Accommodation report


South west accountancy firm Bishop Fleming has published the findings of its Snap Survey report on the West Country holiday accommodation scene.

It notes that despite the depressed economy, there are some positive signs that “confidence seems to be returning”.

However, it also says that the Eurozone crisis is still very much a concern and could create “the double whammy of making UK and other European consumers poorer, whilst making Eurozone holidays cheaper”.

It also reports the now “embedded” trend of late booking, remarking that we will not know until late into the season whether there is “cause for celebration”.

Headline statistics reveal that 84% of respondents say bookings this year are either up or the same, which is an improvement on the previous year.

The survey notes there is little change in booking numbers by UK or overseas guests, while Germany continues to produce the majority of overseas visitors (56%), with fewer visitors coming from further afield (USA, Asia etc).

One of the most encouraging stats is that well over half (62%) expect to see their income increase this summer. It is also interesting to note the stampede towards online bookings, with 61% saying that it has “massively” affected their businesses.

To view the full report, click here.