Lockdown 2 may be upon us but that’s no reason not to support local shops and businesses.
That’s the message from Camborne as the country once again battens down the hatches to fight the Covid virus.
Forced to put up their closed signs, local business owners are adapting by promoting their products on websites and social media, organising click and collect and providing a local delivery service.
“It’s a case of making the best of things,” said Sharron Lipscombe-Manley, owner of Delight 2 Bite and chair of BID Camborne. “I’ll be offering a takeaway and delivery service from Thursday and many others are being similarly creative to help keep trade going.
“We’re lucky that Camborne has a very close community that believes in pulling together and providing mutual support. There’s no doubt that this second lockdown couldn’t have happened at a worst time for retailers with Christmas on the very near horizon but we’re doing what we can to get through and keep going.”
The BID team is helping as much as possible by promoting its members new ways of working on social media, keeping them informed about guidelines and the financial resources available via e-newsletters and printed material and exploring the possibility of expanding the town’s street warden provision. It is also going ahead with this year’s Christmas lights and planning a virtual switch-on.
“I think it’s fair to say that the news of this second lockdown came as quite a shock but there’s a real willingness to adapt and try and overcome the obvious commercial challenges,” said BID Camborne manager Anna Pascoe.
“I’ve lived in the town all my life and know how strong people here can be when faced with adversity. Camborne has long been known for world-beating innovation and we’re doing our best to harness some of that remarkable entrepreneurial spirit now.”