Council offers green travel grants


With 57% of people in Cornwall currently using the car to travel to work, Cornwall Council is inviting local businesses to apply for grants to provide equipment or facilities to encourage their staff to opt for other ways of travel.

The Council has allocated £155k of funding from its local transport plan to provide workplace sustainable travel grants over the next two years.

The funding will be released in three phases, the first of which runs between July to August 2013 and has up to £40k available. The second phase will run from December 2013 to February 2014, with the final phase running from June to August 2014.

“The aim of the grants is to help break down some of the barriers which are preventing people from travelling to, from and for work sustainably,” said Tasha Dennis, the Council’s sustainable transport officer. “These include not having access to secure cycle storage for those who want to ride to work, or providing an incentive for car sharing by providing dedicated spaces in a premium location.”

Under the scheme, grants will be awarded to individual businesses or collectives employing more than ten people to help reduce the number of cars travelling to and from their sites. The Council is offering match funding of up to 75% for businesses to buy facilities or equipment that support sustainable travel for their employees.

This might include remodelling a car park space to include car share spaces or a cycle shelter or to provide a set of pool bikes for staff to use

More information on the programme, including details on how to apply for grants, is available by clicking here.

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