A4e’s Pathways to Work initiative in Cornwall has been formally launched, as part of the final phase of the introduction of the Government’s flagship Pathways to Work programme.
Restormel Borough Deputy Mayor, Councillor Jenny Mason, has visited A4e’s Pathways premises at Beatrice Road, Bodmin to officially launch the scheme in Devon and Cornwall, and to see how it is assisting unemployed local residents back into the workplace.
Pathways to Work provides support from highly skilled personal advisers from the public, private and voluntary sectors, to ensure the long-term unemployed receive the specialist assistance they need to get back to work.
Steve Hart, District Manager for A4e, commented: “Pathways proves we can make a significant difference, even with long-term benefit claimants, who are often perceived as being harder to help back into
employment. Since opening our doors on 3rd December we’ve seen more
than 2300 customers join the local Pathways programme and the best news is that we have already helped almost 600 customers back into work.”
Recent independent reports found that individuals and society as a whole are better off as a result of Pathways to Work. It is estimated that for every million spent on the programme, £1.5 million is returned through a reduced benefits burden and increased tax contributions.
Steve Hart continued: “Pathways to Work continues to prove its worth, having so far helped over 100,000 people into work. If the right support is offered, just as A4e is offering here, people can find out for themselves how much better off they are not on benefits. Anyone on incapacity benefits throughout the country has access to a local Pathways service and I am delighted to see things working so well here in the Devon and Cornwall region.”
Anyone interested in finding out more about the services A4e is able to offer them should contact A4e on 01208 470200 or 32-34 Beatrice Road, Walker Lines Industrial Estate, Bodmin, PL31 6TW.
Case study
How Pathways to Work can make a difference
Doris Morton was a qualified nurse, working with people who had learning disabilities and severe challenging behaviour. Unfortunately she was injured after an accident and could not return back to work. As a result of her injury she had no choice but to claim Incapacity Benefit for 13 years.
During this time Doris went back to college to gain some paper qualifications as she had left school many years ago with none.
Following sessions with her employment coach at A4e, Doris started to realise her potential and obtained an interview for an ‘Employment Coach’ role within the A4e organisation. She received the relevant training and qualifications through the Pathways to Work initiative in order to build up her confidence and motivation to get back into work again.
Doris successfully secured the post she applied for and has been working for A4e for the past six weeks. She is an inspiration to many and now works with people to get the back into full-time employment.
For further information, please contact Rachel Mealing, Golley Slater on 0161 237 6807 or rachel.mealing@golleyslater.co.uk.
Notes to Editors:
A4e is a successful international business and market leader in global public service reform. Since 1991 A4e has touched the lives of over one million people providing consultation and advice to people and organisations.
It works with government and the private and third sectors to design, develop and deliver social inclusion programmes that benefit individuals, organisations and communities.
A4e excels at bringing new programmes and pilots into new markets delivering services that have a positive impact on the disadvantaged and marginalised.
A4e provides products and services in 7 key areas:
● Welfare to Work
● Offender Learning and Skills
● Financial Inclusion Education and Advice
● Enterprise
● Fund Management and Distribution
● Workforce Development
● Health Care sector
For further information, please contact Rachel Mealing, Golley Slater, Account Director on 0161 237 6807 or rachel.mealing@golleyslater.co.uk.
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