New service for chamber members


Cornwall Chamber of Commerce has revealed details of a new service for its members.

Member Match introduces businesses to one of the other members specialising in a particular field, whether this is PR, finance or general business advice.

Members simply need to highlight to the chamber team what their business need is and the team will seek to find the perfect match.

The benefits of mentoring:

  • Working in isolation as an SME can be a huge disadvantage, networking is key and a well-connected mentor is vital.
  • Mentoring is an effective personal development tool and a way of helping people to progress in the business.
  • Mentors rely upon having had similar experiences to gain an empathy with the mentee and an understanding of their issues.

What does it involve?

  • An initial face to face meeting held between mentor and mentee.
  • Mentor carries out a review to better understand the business and identify what is missing.
  • Mentor to set achievable targets, guidance and support for the mentee.
  • Mentor can introduce to other contacts to help build relationships, also get a second opinion.
  • Relationships can be terminated by either party when they consider the aims have been achieved.
  • Relationship lasts for a minimum of 2 months but if both parties agree a longer timetable or if any help is required in the future, then it would be up to both parties to discuss a chargeable fee.

Cornwall Chamber of Commerce’s membership manager, Nicci Dunning, said: “We are pleased to offer this service as part of membership to the chamber. Mentoring isn’t just a one way street, its very much a ‘win win’ situation as both mentor and mentee benefit from the new business relationship in many ways.”

Businesses interested in becoming a Chamber Mentor or Mentee are advised to contact the Chamber membership team. or 01209 216006