DMO launches new range


A Cornish medical rehabilitation and sports performance products manufacturer has launched a new product range designed to help children and adults with sensory difficulties.

Made from elastomeric fabric and worn next to the skin with seams on the outside to reduce tactile sensitivity, the DMO Sensory vest, suit or leggings from DM Orthotics (DMO) have been researched and manufactured to help increase spatial awareness and concentration.

“Our aim has been to improve the body’s ability to sense its location, movement and actions and that, in turn, leads to a greater sense of calm,” said CEO Dan Severn. “For children that’s important in settling and engaging them more effectively – especially when they are in the classroom.”

DMO has been transforming the lives of people with neuro-muscular disorders like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Dropfoot, Scoliosis, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis since first being established in 2005. With a global reputation for clinical research and innovation, the company currently exports to 26 countries worldwide.