Next generation of tech talent


Some of the best young tech talent is about to become available following the completion of the Skills for Life-funded BIT Training’s Skills Bootcamp in IT and Cyber.

The training, which is due to finish in March, will be delivering over 100 highly trained and market ready individuals into a south west jobs market that badly needs high calibre IT skills and technical know-how.

The BIT Skills Bootcamps combines learning and real-world experience, with all of the courses delivered by established, industry experts.

Commenting on the availability of the soon to be qualified candidates, Leandra Goncalves, Skills Bootcamp project manager of BIT Training, said: “It is widely accepted that the south west has a very serious IT skills shortage. The type of shortage that we’ll start to see the impact of within the next year or two.

“But if that’s the problem then the solution is the raft of trained candidates that BIT Training will be putting out into the jobs market in the coming weeks and months.”