New app to help tackle stress

L-R: HealthPad founders Jo Ramsden, Dan Piper and Judith Hasell

To coincide with National Stress Awareness Day next week, a Cornish company is launching a new app to help improve mental health and wellbeing.

According to Health & Safety Executive, 57% of all working days lost to ill health are due to stress and anxiety.

The new app from HealthPad features a range of exercises designed to be easily included within your working day to help you maintain focus, energy and motivation.

The three founders of HealthPad have personal experience of supporting families and friends through health challenges.

Jo Ramsden said: “We seem to have stopped listening to our bodies in recent times and we simply want to help you understand your own body and mind better so you can live a content, happy, disease-free life. Have an open mind, give the exercises and tools a go – follow the techniques and notice how different you feel.”

Last year, HealthPad raised £12,920 on Crowdfunder which has funded the development of phase one of its app, and it already has plans for further updates that will be released in the near future.

National Stress Awareness Day takes place on November 3.