A lecturer from Cornwall College in St Austell has just launched his first Xbox One game.
Steve Smith helped devise the Animation for Games course seven years ago after several years teaching Film & Media; all the time working on external game projects with his brother.
Gear Gauntlet, which became available for download at midnight, brings together “beautiful artwork and a frustrating but addictive format”, which demonstrates unique but difficult action arcade gameplay.
Smith said: “Players have reacted amazingly well to Gear Gauntlet thus far; it’s a game designed to be rather difficult but players keep coming back for more and wowing us.”
The game’s development took off around three years ago, when Smith met with software developer Jay Adeloye. They successfully applied to ID@Xbox and have since showcased their work at Rezzed 2015 and 2016, an indie game event in London.
Smith added: “Meeting Jay and working on Gear Gauntlet has been exceptionally hard but rewarding work; making games is a wonderfully creative process.”
Gear Gauntlet, from Drop Dead Interactive, is available now on Xbox One.