£19k for Cornwall’s Young & Talented


Young & Talented Cornwall, the Lord Lieutenants Fund for Youth, has awarded more than £19k to fifteen of Cornwall’s rising stars.

The fund supports exceptionally talented young Cornish people undertaking a range of activities including sport, the arts, science and music, providing grants to the county’s brightest prospects who otherwise lack the means to pursue their dreams fully.

In this recent round of grants, recipients ranged from athletes to racing kart drivers and ballet dancers to performers; with the grants ranging from £500 to £2.5k, which will go towards recipients training, kit, equipment and travel costs.

Colonel Edward Bolitho OBE, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, who heads up Young & Talented Cornwall, said: “It is incredibly uplifting to hear about all the amazing talent so abundant in our young people in Cornwall. The grants that we have awarded are richly deserved and will make a huge difference to helping the next generation of Cornish superstars reach their potential. These bright young minds are our future; celebrating, supporting and giving them a financial boost is vitally important and I am honoured that the Lord Lieutenants Fund can play a role.”