All change at Lesjӧfors

L-R: Michael Gibbs, Christofer Hedvall (VP of business area Europe), Luke Smith

Penryn-based Lesjofors Heavy Springs UK has appointed a new managing director.

Luke Smith, formerly operations director, has been promoted to the MD role, succeeding Michael Gibbs, who has stepped up to European operations director for the global Lesjofors Group.

Smith said: “After five years of driving operational excellence across our operations, I am thrilled to take this next step. It’s an exciting time for our business and with a team that has an embedded high-performance culture, I’m looking forward to developing our next stages of growth.”

Gibbs added: “I could not be prouder of everything the team has achieved over the past 23 years of my leadership. We have grown 20-fold to become a key supplier to Europe’s automotive aftermarket industry and expanded our manufacturing facilities and capabilities to supply springs across exceptionally diverse industries.

“I am excited to see Luke’s vision take the team to a new level of success. His operational background, customer focused approach, project execution and leadership skills will take the company from strength to strength.”