New £1.6M pilot arrives in Falmouth


Falmouth Harbour has welcomed the arrival of its new £1.6 million state-of-the-art pilot boat Atlantic.

Atlantic replaces the 46-year old LK Mitchell, which left the port in September bound for gentler commercial role on the west coast of Scotland in Campbeltown. She is one of the biggest investments by the Trust Port for almost 20 years.

CEO Miles Carden said: “Our pilot boat crews work throughout the year, in all weathers and conditions, to keep our harbour open and safe to shipping and they deserve the best equipment we can buy.

“We are very excited to welcome Atlantic into our pilot fleet – she will be an incredible asset for the next 20-30 years.”

Atlantic will be one of the few Tier 3 compliant pilot vessels operating in the country – with features which help Falmouth Harbour meet out sustainability targets and will run on HVO fuel as soon as her trials are complete.

Falmouth Harbour CEO Miles Carden