Sales podcast hits 250 mark


A weekly podcast from a Cornwall-based business consultant has reached a lofty milestone.

The 250th episode of Trevor Lee’s Better Presentations More Sales podcast went live this morning (Jan 30).

He said: “Given that around 90% of podcasts don’t get past episode seven, I am delighted and somewhat amazed to have reached the 250 episode mark.

“A big shout out to my podcast ‘mentor’ Pete Matthew from The Meaningful Money podcast in Penzance whose advice and encouragement helped me get started.”

Launched at the end of February 2018, the podcast attracts an array of global business guests keen to share tips and advice to help its worldwide listeners get better and more confident at presenting and sales.

Lee added: “Given that virtually all my guests come from North America, often via podcast agents, there is clearly lots of opportunity in the UK business podcasting market for those thinking of getting started – I’d be happy to offer advice to any would be podcasters – message me on LinkedIn.’

Lee has a second podcast – ‘Running 44@60’ – which has broadcast well over 100 episodes.