From 23 November, five late night shopping Wednesdays are taking place in Truro until Christmas giving chances to explore the city’s wide range of independent shops, high street shops, and eateries.
Many shops and eateries will be open until 9pm and the Pannier Market will stay open later. The City Centre Christmas Lights will be illuminating Truro, following the Festive Friday switch-on celebrations on 18th November.
For the three Wednesday Late Night Shopping dates in December (7th, 14th and 21st) the main shopping streets will be traffic free from 2pm to give more space to shop, eat and drink. There will also be street food and drink in Boscawen Street from 3pm and street entertainment dotted around to give residents and visitors a more festive shopping experience closer to Christmas.
Truro Farmer’s Market’s Big Christmas Market will be on Lemon Quay on selected dates from Saturday 2nd December and trading until 9pm on the three Wednesdays in December. Find a selection of local food, drink, arts and crafts along with festive entertainment.
To coincide with the first Wednesday Late Night Shopping the fun, colourful Christmas Lights in Victoria Gardens will be back for 2022 and switched-on for the festive season on Wednesday 23 November at 5pm.
The lights in the gardens which include giant baubles and a giant North Pole sign, will then be illuminated daily from 8am to 10am and 2pm to 4pm from Thurs 24th Nov until Thurs 5th Jan 2023.
Victoria Gardens will have free Wednesday night entertainment for the five Late Night Shopping dates and the Christmas lights will be extended until 8pm. Pollen in the Park will also be open from 4pm until 8pm, serving tasty seasonal treats, including hot chocolates and mince pies.
The entertainment in the city and Victoria Gardens, along with the traffic-free shopping streets has been arranged and funded by Truro BID. The festive entertainment includes Camborne Youth Band who have been sponsored by Truro City Council to perform in the city.
The Christmas lights have been brought to Victoria Gardens by Truro BID with permission from Truro City Council.
Truro BID Manager Alun Jones said: “Residents and visitors can enjoy five Wednesday late-night shopping evenings with the Christmas Lights illuminating Truro whilst they shop, eat and drink. On Wednesdays in December, we’ll be adding to the festive atmosphere with traffic-free streets, entertainment and street food on Boscawen Street. Along with Truro’s City Centre Lights, we’re excited to be illuminating Victoria Gardens again for those who wish to experience the gardens lit up after dark.”
The Mayor of Truro, Steven Webb, added: “I’m delighted that Victoria Gardens will be lit up again as I enjoyed experiencing the gardens illuminated last year. Really pleased that Truro City Council’s Parks Team have once again worked closely with Truro BID to enable the gardens to be illuminated. Victoria Gardens is a great addition to Truro’s City Centre Christmas Lights.”
As with throughout the year, shoppers can take advantage of free parking in Cornwall Council’s long stay carparks from 4pm and short stay carparks from 5pm seven days a week.
There will also be a free parking day in Cornwall Council carparks on Saturday 3 December and Truro’s Park and Ride will be free to use. In Truro the following car parks will be free on 3 December: Carrick House, Edward Street, Garras Wharf, Moorfield, Moresk, Old Bridge Street, Pydar Street, & Viaduct.