The Cornwall Careers Show is looking for Cornish businesses to inspire the next generation of students into exciting careers right here in Cornwall.
Cornish and national employers are booking up to exhibit at the Cornwall Careers Show for young people, due to be held at The Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge on October 14th and 15th 2015.
The Cornwall Careers Show will attract over 3,500 young people across the county from schools, colleges and youth groups. The aim is to inspire them to think about their future plans and take up further education, vocational training and apprenticeships.
Helen Field, education projects manager at Cornwall Learning Education Business Partnership, said: “Top local employers such as The Seafood Restaurant and The Eden Project will be joining the likes of GCHQ to demonstrate to students the great career opportunities on offer here and beyond. There will opportunities for students to get careers advice, find out about vocational pathways, further and higher education and apprenticeships, as well as interacting with great businesses.
“Over 3,000 young people aged 14-25 are already booked to visit the event, so The Cornwall Careers Show is the perfect opportunity for businesses to promote their sector as a stimulating, prosperous and progressive place to work.”
The event is supported by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) through the European Social Fund, The Learning Partnership, Cornwall Apprenticeship Campaign, and the Children’s Trust. In Cornwall it is led by Cornwall Learning Education Business Partnership.