Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) and CoaST (Cornwall Sustainable Tourism Project) are to join forces to support the Cornish marine leisure industry.
Both organisations have been awarded contracts by the Cornwall Development Company to implement activities as part of the pan-European Nautisme Espace Atlantique 2 (NEA2) project.
The three year, £189k deal aims to raise awareness of the marine leisure industry, reduce carbon footprints and waste, develop marine skills, increase innovation and encourage disadvantaged people to participate in water sports.
Paul Wickes, CMN chief executive commented: “CMN are delighted to be part of NEA2. The project has been two years in the development phase; so we are keen to get started and deliver positive outcomes on our network of over 300 marine businesses.
“NEA2 is a great opportunity that brings more European funding for Cornwall; a much needed boost during this period of economic and environmental uncertainty. Particularly, the project will aid the development of marine skills in our county, provide innovative marine businesses with much needed support and raise awareness of water sports so that greater participation can be achieved – the lifeblood of the marine sector.”
Manda Brookman, CoaST’s managing director added: “NEA2 provides Cornwall’s marine leisure industry an opportunity to improve its green credentials. We’ll be working closely with local partners CEP (Community Energy Plus) to collaborate with CMN and the Royal Yachting Association’s Green Blue campaign to spread the word and give practical advice to businesses, clubs and water sport users across the county.
“We’ve recently met with our European partners who are keen to exchange best practice and work with Cornish organisations to create ways forward for developing a sustainable and resilient marine sector.”
Cornwall Development Company developed the original £450k bid for the project and will also be implementing activities in collaboration with CMN and CoaST. The NEA2 project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg IVb Atlantic Area Programme, Cornwall Council, Cornwall Marine Network and CoaST.