Workers in the South West are a lazy lot in meetings… Agenda: Sex, lies and sleep


Officers workers in the South West are most likely to doze off, tell lies or be thinking about having sex with their colleagues during work meetings, reveals a new survey.

More than 1,000 office workers nationwide were questioned in a poll by Powwownow – the home of free conference calling.

And the results showed almost half (48%) have witnessed someone nod off and nearly a third (29%) had thought about having sex with another colleague in the meeting.

Those in the South West were also more likely to be suffering from a hangover during a meeting (23%)

And they are the worst when it comes to telling fibs (22%) but the least likely to feel hatred towards their work colleagues.

Just ten percent said they had despised a fellow worker during a business meeting

Overall 22% UK workers had thought about having sex with a colleague during a work meeting and 16% admitted to lying.

A third of the liars are aged 25-34 whereas those aged 55-64 are more honest (8%).

Men are the worst offenders when it comes to lusting after their colleagues whereas only 10 per cent of women had done the same.

Some even admitted to more anti-social meeting habits with a third of all those questioned confessing to ‘breaking wind silently’ and one in ten said they sat down to a business meeting knowing they had bad body odour.

Andrew Pearce, Managing Director of Powwownow, said: “The research shows what really goes in work meetings across the UK. The results have certainly been illuminating. It is slightly concerning that so many workers are dozing off in meetings.”

This insight into the nation’s behaviour in meetings coincides with the launch off Powwownow’s face to face campaign, which encourages us all to make conference calls instead of actually meeting people.  For further details please visit


Notes to editors

Powwownow was founded in 2004, and offers customers low-cost conference calling facilities with the ethos of no booking, no billing, no fuss (the customer does not need to book a conference room, never receives a bill from Powwownow, just the cost of an 0870 call added to their bill). Turnover for 2008 is expected to reach £5m. The company operates in 12 countries including the US and major European markets.

Powwownow employs 25 people and is based in Richmond, Surrey.

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