Businesses are missing out on tax relief because its complexities are putting people off making claims, reveals STRIDE.
Tax credits and relief are not given automatically so business advisors from the STRIDE team at University of Plymouth will be with leading R&D tax credit experts, Azets Accountants, to deliver an event on July 9 to help demystify the process.
The three-hour workshop will cover: What is R&D tax relief/tax credit, benefits of claiming R&D tax credits, what qualifies and what can businesses claim, recent changes to the claims process and R&D schemes, HMRC’s current approach to R&D claims, record keeping, etc, and more.
Jessica Dennis, deputy project manager and communications manager, says: “There is no one-size-fits-all approach to R&D tax credits, and the R&D tax credit landscape has significantly changed in recent times.
“There are still thousands of businesses throughout the UK that are not taking advantage of this tax relief by preparing and submitting R&D claims to HMRC through their corporation tax returns, even if they qualify.
“R&D tax credits is a complex area of tax legislation, but the desired outcome for businesses attending the R&D tax credits workshop is to provide a detailed overview of the R&D schemes and tax reliefs available, explain some of the key points, issues and terminology used, and to help break down some of the jargon and complexities that puts some businesses off considering making R&D claims.”
For more information about the event visit