Business name: RF Wellbeing
Office location: Mitchell, Nr Newquay, Cornwall
Founded: July 2021
Number of employees: 1
Business Cornwall: How is the business best described?
A bespoke and flexible service offering a wide range of wellbeing services for both individuals and businesses. Wellbeing areas covered Mental Fitness, Physical Activity, Musculoskeletal Health, Sleep, Nutrition, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Health Coaching and more.
Why was the business founded?
After over 20 years in the NHS, I wanted a new challenge of working for myself to really take wellbeing in the workplace and supporting staff wellbeing to the next level. I truly believe in the importance of wellbeing in the workplace and want to provide evidence based and innovative ideas, support, and solutions to local businesses in Cornwall.
How does the business compare to competitors in the industry?
My passion and enthusiasm shines through as I totally believe in how important this is ensuring my services are flexible and bespoke to meet the needs of employers and employees. It’s not a tick box process or a nice to have, it’s an essential business element that helps businesses achieve success and thrive!
What are the business’s plans both short-term and long-term?
I love the variety of my work from supporting individuals, businesses, lecturing at universities to setting up programmes and projects for local authorities, I want to continue this and ensure I keep supporting, inspiring, and making a positive difference in both the short and long term.
How does the business define success?
Happy. Content. Healthy. Challenged. Fulfilled. Accomplished. Rested. Successful in life and in relationships. Making a positive difference!